Category Archives: postaday

Have the courage to follow your heart!

Having courage is scarier then being a coward

There are times when your heart tells you to do what’s right but your fears tell you to do what’s needed.  It’s easier to ignore your heart and just go with the flow but will you be at peace? Following your heart takes courage and willingness to take risks to make things right. I have struggling with this issue many times and what brings peace to me is to do what’s right (i.e., be me; be outspoken).

It’s easier to run then to stay and deal with the truth. Have the courage to stand up to your fears

Think limitless; I am not inside a box

I can’t ‘think outside the box’ since I am not in a box!

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘Think outside the box’?  I am sure you have heard it many times.  This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking. This phrase implies that you are inside a box and don’t think creatively.  I realized that instead of ‘thinking outside the box’, we should come out the box.  Removing ourself from inside the box pushes us to think limitless and explore the possibilities.  Instead of seeing the world through a tunnel vision, see the world vision. Children are great at world vision.  We can learn a lot from their creativity.  They use their imagination to explore the possibilities.  I am sometimes bewildered how a child can take an object like a piece a paper and create a limitless adventure from that paper.

Become a child again and think of limitless adventures!

I am back in New York!

Every learning experience equips you with knowledge that you can convert into wisdom.

I am so happy to be back in New York with my family! I had a great time in India, exploring, learning and enjoying the culture. I learned many new things in India that I will blog about in the coming days. For most of my trip, I was not able to access my website to blog…Now I am back and ready to share my learnings!

‘You don’t know what you don’t know’ but once you know you never want to go back to not knowing!

I’m Posting every day in 2011!

To add a new habit into your DNA, you have to be consistent.

I’ve decided I want to blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m started a few weeks ago.  Everyday I have being posting a blog entry.  I will be posting on this blog once a day for all of 2011!


pushyourselftogrow – Belkis